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Gifts Costa Rica

SKU216 Chacra Barda Pinot Noir

SKU216 Chacra Barda Pinot Noir

Regular price $116.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $116.00 USD
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ORIGIN: Patagonia, Argentina. VARIETAL COMPOSITION: 100% Pinot Noir. VINEYARD: Our vineyards are certified Organic by Argencer and Biodynamic by Demeter. AGING: 12 Months in French oak barrels. LIMITED PRODUCTION: 79,000 Bottles. HISTORY: Bodega Chacra is located in the Rio Negro Valley of northern Patagonia, Argentina. In 2004, Piero Incisa della Rocchetta, from the renowned winemaking family responsible for the creation and success of Tenuta San Guido (Sassicaia), purchased the first of vineyard land, which is now Bodega Chacra. At the time this was a property with an existing, though abandoned, vineyard planted in 1932, over seventy years ago. Piero was called from his multigenerational Italian winemaking family to the southern hemisphere, compelled by the goal to produce world-class Pinot Noir from uncharted and untested territory. This singular vineyard at Bodega Chacra is of thick, pure, gnarled Pinot Noir vines, plants from their own rootstock producing tiny bunches of small, concentrated berries which are harvested by hand.

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